The Taiwan Futures Exchange Corporation (TAIFEX) publishes the Journal of Futures and Options to encourage academic research in the areas of futures and options, provide a channel for publishing academic papers in related fields, establish an academic communication platform, attract academics to pay attention to the futures market, and lay the cornerstone for talent cultivation and system development of Taiwan's futures market.
The Journal seeks submissions of academic papers in traditional Chinese or English on theoretical issues, empirical studies, or applications pertaining to futures, options, and derivative products, including relevant laws, regulations, and regulatory structures that contribute to the development of the futures market. Scholars, experts and those who care about the development of the futures market are welcome to contribute.
The Journal comes out in April, August, and December. Manuscripts are reviewed using a double-blind process by at least two experts in the relevant field, and are read in the order in which they are received to ensure fairness. An honorarium of NT$20,000 is awarded to the author of each piece published.
The Journal has been listed in the Taiwan Social Science Citation Index (TSSCI) by the Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, National Science and Technology Council since 2010. In the future, we will focus on being listed in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)with the goal of becoming a leading academic journal in the field of futures and options.