About Us
About Us
- Trading Department
In charge of formulating and amending trading related rules and regulations, matching orders, posting prices, compiling trading statistics, supervising TAIFEX’s participating firms, and maintaining market order. - Clearing Department
In charge of formulating and amending clearing-related rules and regulations, supervising clearing members and settlement banks, handling clearing and risk management operations, and administrating the clearing and settlement funds and clearing margins. - Surveillance Department
In charge of market surveillance operations, as well as analysis and verification of related cases. - Intermediaries Compliance and Service Department
In charge of maintaining rules and regulations related to FCM and clearing-member compliance issues, monitoring their internal audit operations, examining the financial and business practices of these firms, and providing training to their compliance staff. - System Development Department
In charge of planning, developing and maintaining application systems, FCM management systems, company website and related systems, and controlling the system-development process. - Computer Operation Department
In charge of operating and managing computer facilities, and disseminating futures trading information. - Business Development Department
In charge of product development, international cooperation, business planning, and legal affairs. - Administration Department
In charge of planning, recruiting and administration of human resources, handling general affairs, managing corporate assets, formulating and implementing office documentation rules, overseeing fund utilization and management, planning and executing budgets, and preparing and reporting financial statements. - Internal Audit
In charge of planning and executing internal audit operations, reviewing the operations of respective departments, and evaluating the achievement of annual performance targets.